Error:  File read/write error occurred

Article ID: 40743
ArcGIS - ArcEditor 10
ArcGIS - ArcInfo 10
ArcGIS - ArcView 10
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced 10.1
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard 10.1
ArcGIS for Desktop Basic 10.1
Windows Windows 7

When building a large network dataset the build processes, but fails with the following error:

"File read/write error occurred."

The network dataset that is being processed is very large and there is not enough disk space in the temporary directory where intermediate processing takes place.




Review Knowledge Base article
34884 before trying these steps.

WARNING: The instructions below include making changes to essential parts of the operating system. It is recommended to backup the operating system and files, including the registry, before proceeding. Consult with a qualified computer systems professional, if necessary.

Esri cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while following these instructions; therefore, use caution and proceed at your own risk.

A. Click Start > Run.
B. Type the following in the Run dialog: %TEMP%

A new window opens and displays the contents of the System Temporary Directory. When building a very large network dataset (for example, all of the streets in France), hundreds of gigabytes of temporary space may be required to process a task of this size. If there is not enough disk space in the current TEMP directory to perform the task, it is necessary to change the TEMP directory to a location that has sufficient memory. The following steps show how to make this change.
  1. Right-click Computer and click Properties.
  2. Click Advanced system settings on the left panel to display the System Properties dialog box, and click the Advanced tab.
  3. Click the Environment Variables button.
  4. In the Environment Variables dialog box, under User variables for <account name>, both TMP and TEMP may listed. This is the common location; each different login account is assigned its own temporary location.
  5. Click the Edit button. In the Edit User Variable dialog box, under Variable value, specify the path to the directory that Windows and many other programs uses for temporary files. Change this to a location that has sufficient disk space to process the network dataset.
    Repeat this process for both the TMP and TEMP directories.
  6. Restart Windows to begin using the new value for temporary files. Restart any running programs for the new value to take effect.

Created: 12/14/2012

Last Modified: 7/14/2013
原文链接 ... 40743
