HowTo:  Configure a forward proxy server with Portal for ArcGIS

Article ID: 41888
Portal for ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2
Platforms: N/A

A forward proxy server is a computer on a LAN that allows connections outside the network without compromising the security of the internal network. Use of a forward proxy server is very common in perimeter networks (also known as demilitarized zones [DMZ] or screened subnets) to protect the identity of internal machines.

Portal for ArcGIS may require connection outside the network if external services are used in Portal for operations such as batch geocoding, printing or feature service editing. If the organization uses a forward proxy server that requires an explicit configuration, it is necessary to configure Portal for ArcGIS to use a forward proxy server. The steps below describe how to provide adequate information about the forward proxy server to the portal.

Forward proxy servers that require authentication are not supported for use with Portal for ArcGIS.





Prior to ArcGIS 10.2.2, the forward proxy settings are not honored when consuming items that have saved credentials for external services. There may be a problem viewing the service in the Portal's map viewer or configuring it as a utility service.

1. Stop Portal for ArcGIS.[/*]
2. On the machine hosting Portal for ArcGIS, navigate to the following folder:
<Portal for ArcGIS installation location>\Portal\framework\runtime\tomcat\conf

3. Open the file in a text editor and add the following properties at the end of the file to specify the host and port values that correspond to the organization’s proxy server:

4. Optionally, add the following properties to the end of the file to configure the portal to exclude specific hosts from using the proxy server: 

5. Start Portal for ArcGIS.
When upgrading the software to a new release, these forward proxy settings are lost. Reapplying these settings is necessary after upgrading the software.

  1. Configuring a reverse proxy server with Portal for ArcGIS 10.2 (Windows + Linux)
  2. Configuring a reverse proxy server with Portal for ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, and 10.2.2 (Windows)
  3. Configuring a reverse proxy server with Portal for ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, and 10.2.2 (Linux)

Created: 12/16/2013

Last Modified: 5/6/2014
原文链接 ... 41888
