HowTo:  Automate assignment of ArcGIS Pro licenses

Article ID: 45157
ArcGIS Online Current
ArcGIS Pro 1.0, 1.0.2, 1.1
Platforms: N/A

The following REST requests can be used to automate the assigning and revoking of ArcGIS Pro licenses provisioned to ArcGIS Online. These can be sent using any language that can send HTTP requests, such as Python.

Only organization administrators or users assigned a custom role that includes the Manage Licenses privilege can manage ArcGIS Pro licenses.




When automating this workflow, always include both a
valid token in the request as well as specifying the format in which the response should be returned. Additional required parameters are listed in tables below the requests.

The URL Key can be hard-coded, or the URL Key can be determined from a
  1. Determine the ID of your ArcGIS Pro listing Use the following request to determine the itemId of the listing with the title ArcGIS Pro: Listings Search 
    http://<URL KEY>
  2. Determine which licenses are available Use the following request to determine how many licenses you have:
     http://<URL KEY>
    Use the following request to determine how many licenses have already been assigned: 
    http://<URL KEY><LISTING ID>/userEntitlements
  3. Assign/Revoke licenses that are available to the user(s) Use the following post request to assign or revoke licenses, you can include a list of users if you are provisioning to multiple users. To revoke licenses, simply include an empty list:
     http://<URL KEY><LISTING ID>/provisionUserEntitlements

Created: 7/17/2015 Last Modified: 7/20/2015
原文链接 ... 45157
